The cost of a college education continues to skyrocket. CENTS created Debt Slapped to help high school students wisely finance their college education and learn how to use credit and loans wisely.

According to Bloomberg, college tuition and fees have increased 1,120 percent since 1978 to 2008. The cost of a college education continues to skyrocket.

Debt Slapped is an educational video and companion website with classroom lessons and materials for students, teachers, and parents. It has been used at most public high schools in Washington state and over 10,000 people nationally have watched the video online.

CENTS’ Planning for Post-Secondary Education or Training Activity (“the Activity”) helps students assemble critical information so they can make a wise decision about financing their post-secondary education or training.   If you would like to request an in-class presentation, please contact CENTS.

Please see the project website at

Please also see our website for college graduates at

Please see FEPPP’s Financial Inclusivity Guidebook: download PDF file here