Total Student Loan Debt in America is around $1.7 trillion and about 45 million Americans hold student loan debt. The class of 2020 graduated with an average debt over $30,000.
To help parents plan for their children’s future higher education, CENTS has created the Don’t Get Slapped for Parents program. It is a recorded PowerPoint that walks you through planning steps. There’s also an Activity and Resource Guide. The Activity and Resource Guide are called Planning for Higher Education for Families Activity and Resource Guide. There are steps you can take to minimize the debt your child and you take on and these materials walk you through the process to help you come up with an achievable action plan. The earlier you start, the better, but the program will still help those who feel they are getting a late start. You will see every bit helps!
- With the support of WA529 and Jump$tart Washington, CENTS has produced a new educational video to help parents save for their children’s future higher education expenses and/or strategize ways to cut down on those cost. It can be found here.
- You can advance through the Activity on your own. You can download your own free copy of the Activity here and the accompanying Resource section here.
- We have a program to help high school students wisely plan for their education or training after high school. It can be found here.
This project was created by CENTS with sponsorship from the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) and Washington 529 Plans (WA529). WSAC provides strategic planning, oversight, and advocacy to support increased success and higher levels of educational attainment in Washington state. WA529 provides two 529 savings plans to help families save for their student’s future higher education.