Dear Friends of CENTS,

You are invited to the Annual Bowling for CENTS tournament, which will take place on Friday, October 25, 2024 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at West Seattle Bowl.

We’d like to think Bowling for CENTS is the Pacific Northwest’s premier bowling tournament, but we’ve been informed by past participants it’s a great opportunity to mingle with your colleagues and friends. So come for the social outing if you don’t like bowling. Most importantly, it raises critical money for CENTS, including funds to support financial education programs for seniors, students, and U.S. military veterans, among others.

This year, we only have 14 lanes available with 6 spots per lane and we anticipate selling out so please register early. Registrations will be taken on a first come, first served basis. After you submit your registration, CENTS will email you an invoice for payment if we are not sold out or a notice if we are indeed sold out. That being said, if we run out of lanes, we will still be welcoming new registrants to participate in the social experience and cheer on the bowlers. The more, the merrier!

We will try to accommodate individual registrants requesting a specific team when possible.

Registration levels are as follows:

  • Event Sponsorship: $1,200*
  • Lane Sponsorship: $600**
  • Individuals: $150
  • New professionals (less than 5 years of practice): $75
  • Students or children: $25

* Organizations can be Event Sponsors for $1,200. Event sponsorship will come with high-profile exposure including:

  • Prominent listing in the CENTS pre‐event email blast with logo
  • Prominent listing on all 14 bowling alley monitors during the event
  • Prominent listing in the CENTS post-event email blast
  • Special acknowledgment on the microphone during the event
  • Two bowling lanes for up to 12 people

** Organizations can also be Lane Sponsors for $600. Lane Sponsorship comes with quality exposure including:

  • Prominent listing in the CENTS pre‐event email blast
  • Prominent listing on all 14 bowling alley monitors during the event
  • Prominent listing in the CENTS post-event email blast
  • Special acknowledgment on the microphone during the event
  • One bowling lane for up to 6 people

There is a possibility of a virtual event, if it is determined we shouldn’t gather in person. If that were to happen, anyone already registered for the in-person event would be automatically registered for the virtual event, and CENTS would accommodate cancellations/refunds upon request.

In any case, this year’s event will be a fun one and promises to be an exciting evening of socializing, bowling and supporting the work of CENTS.

You can register by clicking the button below:

Upon receiving your registration form, CENTS will email your designated contact person an invoice for payment or a notice that we are sold out.

We hope to see you at West Seattle Bowl on October 25!

Please consider donating if you cannot attend by mailing a check or making a donation via CENTS’ website.

If you have any questions about the event, please email


Tony Leahy, CENTS